R-Kelly, Jimmy Savile, & Pope LEGO Costumes

LEGO Costume   R Kelly pope Minifigure Costume Minifigure lego man costume LEGO Costumes LEGO COSTUME jimmy savile

Thank you for your advice for our costumes! Myself and my mate spent a week or so making five costumes for the Hong Kong 7s which is a big rugby festival. Our costumes were very well received and we had great fun in them! Unfortunately due to Hong Kong security staff thinking that a couple of the costumes were a safety hazard two of the guys were unable to wear theirs. On top of that the boisterous nature of the event all the costumes ended up destroyed ha! I have attached a picture of three of the costumes in the stadium! You have R-Kelly, Jimmy Savile (who was a famous entertainer in the UK) and the Pope from left to right.

All the best


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